Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Looking forward to 2012 Library Events

The Silver City Volunteer Library continues to organize diverse community events and programs.The library collection includes thousands of books in storage, with hundreds of new titles being rotated to the accessible selection in the School House library area on a quarterly basis. Residents are invited to borrow from hundreds of new books (many thanks to recent contributors Darlene and John Cobbey, Christy McGill, and Lyon County Libraries). For more information on the library, please contact Quest Lakes at 847-0742.

Vastly Expanded Science Fiction and Fantasy Section: Those who have been asking for science fiction and fantasy novels will be happy to hear that the library has added hundreds of new titles in that category, including series from Marion Zimmer Bradley, David Eddings, Zenna Henderson, Raymond E. Feist, Andre Norton, Jennifer Roberson, Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Moon, and Mercedes Lackey, among many others.

New Fiction: In other new adult fiction, the library has had a recent donations of hundreds of mysteries by dozens of authors, including Raymond Chandler,Tony Hillerman,Walter Mosley,Nevada Barr, Haruki Murakami, Steg Larsson,Carl Hiassen,Ruth Rendell, Ngai Marsh, Patricia Highsmith,Elmore Leonard, Dorothy Sayers,etc.

New Section on Jobs and Careers: if you’re hunting for a new job or changing careers, check out half a dozen new titles in this category.

Enlarged Section on Art History and Classics: The library now has an enlarged section on art history, including works on Picasso, Wahhol, Escher, Goya, Gaughin, Klimt, van Gogh, O’Keeffe, Judy Chicago, and Aubrey Beardsley, as well as an enlarged collection of classics by authors such as Edith Wharton, Dickens, Steinbeck, Joyce, Faulkner, Jules Verne, E.M. Forster, and Charlotte Bronte.

The library is also fortunate to have a timely addition of new titles on Latino-American history and issues, including:

Border Visions: Mexican Cultures of the Southwestern United States by Carols Velez-Ibanez

On the Line: Life on the U.S. Mexican Border by Augustra Dwyer

Transformations: Migration, Family Life, and Achievement Motivation Among Latino Adolescents by Carola Suarez-Orozco

In the Barrios: Latinos and The Underclass Debate by Joan Moore

Patrons may also choose from current periodicals, films, and other nonfiction

Kids’ Books: In juvenile fiction, there are lots of new titles as well. The library also carries a large reference selection for young readers on science, animals, religions of the world, and history thanks to donations by Lyon County Libraries and other donors, including the Crawford family.

Please feel free to borrow books during any Silver City Community Events, including the monthly soup dinners, town council meetings,community garden meetings, weekly Tai Chi classes, Silver City Community Partner events, summer program, etc.

Silver City Community Partners and volunteer library are partners of Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon and Storey. For more information about the Coalition, please see or

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