Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Silver City Community Garden is a Bloomin' Joy!

by Renate Victor and Catherine Bachand for the Silver Citizen, August 2019 issue

The tomatoes are ripening slowly but are picking up speed, the rainbow chard bed is full of tall, glistening leaves. The blackberry bush has now quadrupled (at least) its original size, loaded with not-yet-ripe berries that we hope soon to harvest before the birds eat them all. The garden abundance includes: garlic, onions, carrots, beets, golden raspberries, squash, potatoes, romaine, spinach, kale, an occasional Armenian cucumber, asparagus, jalapenos, peas, shallots, basil, oregano, marjoram, sage, rosemary, thyme, lavender, lemon balm, cilantro, parsley, roses, hollyhocks, dianthus, morning glories, rhubarb, irises. and a peach tree. All lovingly tended by the faithful garden group. Susan, Lila, Catherine and Diane water throughout the week and we all meet on Sunday mornings to garden and gab.
Community gardeners top row left to right: Susan Stornetta, Molly Allendar, Renata Victor, Catherine Bachand. Bottom row left to right: Noel Chounet, Lila Crandall and Emmy Lou the dog

The Garden isn't the only abundance in town; fruit trees everywhere seem to be weighted with plums, peaches, and just recently, Apricots! Catherine B and Meg and Eric O's trees offered a windfall of apricots which were picked and pitted, canned and 'jammed'at the Schoolhouse. Eric's apricots have an interesting history; Eric brought the seeds, a special variety (Japanese apricots, I heard) with him from his home and had carried them through life until they were planted by their new home in Silver City. An impromptu event was created by Catherine, Meg, Diane and Noel, that soon evolved to a production crew of many town-folk who wandered in the open door or heard through word of mouth. Eric, Gabe, Shaun, Diane and even our Suzie Post Person sat around the table pitting apricots that filled large stainless steel bowls to overflowing. Conversation and laughter made the task enjoyable. What a community! We look for any reason to celebrate and usually easily find one.

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